Inclement Press would like to announce the release of Buck's Rodeo, a novel for ages gifted 12 and up written by Tracy Lovett! The book is new territory for Lovett, who has written 6 other books, all of them illustrated picture books for children ages 3 and up. She has chosen to include established characters from her picture books as the main protagonists for Buck's Rodeo.
Set in Inclement, Iowa, the town that has sprouted in her imagination, the story begins with four 12 year old boys sitting around a campfire on the shores of Lake Inclement. Carpenter, Paxton, Walt and Zack are camping out at Carp's house. The stars spread out above them, hotdogs sizzle on sticks above the flames, and Flash the beagle snuffles up all the dropped potato chips. All is peaceful, when, suddenly, a strange glow appears deep in the trees on a high bluff several miles away. Startled, the boys wonder what it is, but no one has an explanation. No one except Carp's grandfather Ben Clondyke, known throughout most of the tale as "Grampa". He begins to tell the boys the story of the light in the forest in his gravelly voice.
Watch the Morning Blend interview

What follows is a trip through Inclement's past, back to the 1930's, when a new family moved to town--the Buck's. A lone father, Orland, and his daughter, Delilah, cruised into town driving a white 1930 Cadillac, worth more money than most people in Depression-Era Inclement had ever seen in their lives. Not only were the Buck's rich, but they were African-American.
Over the course of several evenings around the fire, Grampa draws the boys back into his boyhood, into the Rodeo the Buck's built, and into strange, almost magical coincidences between 1930's Inclement and the Inclement of today. The boys have adventures (naturally). There is danger and love and sneaking out of windows after dark. There is racism and loss and death and friendship and hope. There is magic of a sort. And there is WONDER, which Lovett says is the recurring theme running through all her books regardless of the age of the target audience. She wants her readers to feel wonder.
To find out more information on Buck's Rodeo and to purchase a copy of the book, please visit the Buck's Rodeo page.
To read more about Tracy's thoughts about her writing, her art and illustrations, you may visit her blog here-- She tries to post a few times a week to keep things fresh.

Don't forget to check out the other fantastic books from
Inclement Press!
Soda's Christmas,
Snow Angels,
Raining Ladybugs and
Hunting Spiders from the
Bug Summer Series.